If you could only see me now. I feel like *at least today anyways* I’ve returned to self. I have classical music playing *not so softly* in the background- just how I like it. And with a keen sense of renewal about me, I have a Social Entrepreneurship book by my side. I am feeling super inspired to create.
I am not writing this merely to boast on how I am having a great day, no- it’s far greater than that. I think today is the first day in a while that I can truly say I have been able to spark a renewed feeling of Joy.
It’s funny *not really* because joy, something that we *many of us* strive to obtain, and yet as soon as we feel like we may have harnessed it… sometimes it can just float away without our realization. Joy, really, is just another placement upon the spectrum of life. What I mean by this, is that grief, sadness, anger, happiness – these too are apart of life. And, as Martha Stewart would say, “it’s a good thing”. Without one it would be hard to differentiate/appreciate the other, now wouldn’t it.
But, today- I am thankful for the reminder that joy is something that (although at times I feel like it may have been lost) is something possible to get back again.
For me, it is the consistent and daily habits that bring me back to basics- and the mindset most importantly that comes with it. I would like to go over the past few days and how it has helped me ‘shift’ into my present state of joy
Gratitude Practice – This is a huge one. I follow ‘The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne and it is AHHHH-MAZING! I do the work journal work each morning, the night time gratitude closing, and all the daily additional practices. The feeling of being greatful has such a huge impact as it helps me to focus on all that I have and how blessed we all are. *Do you have legs? Consider yourself blessed those who may not be as fortunate.
*I am really loving my new side note commentary, what do you think of it?
The case of the folded magazine page – So, id like to talk to you about this. I have a habit of folding pages, writing notes- I have SO many reminders of all the amazing things that I want to do. The thing is, all are meaningless unless I do them. As I have started to make space again from real estate sales, I have been able to focus on all those ideas and reminders that infuse me with happiness each time I get to attend to them. The satisfaction of putting ideas and notes into action brings me joy- I mean, there is a reason why I fold those magazine pages in the first place right? *I had been meaning to submit my dog Chewy into a ‘pet of the month’ for Point Grey Living Magazine, and I did it and he is Mr. May*
Out with the old and in with the new! – I have been decluttering like mad. Not that there is really much to declutter as I run a pretty tight ship. That aside, I have still managed to clear out many items and clothes- things that no longer ‘spark joy’ as Marie Kondo would say. It feels SO GOOD letting go of the old to get ready for all this NEW coming into my life and has already been put into motion. I will be moving to Alberta in *a couple of months, loosely, could be sooner* and it will be a new space and place for me.
Intentional Space– I have just made intentional space to focus on my intentions. My soul is starting to sing again. I am feeling naturally inspired to write on this blog which shows me a lot too. There are so many changes happening for me right now- and I will start to talk about them more on this blog as things unfold. So, to conclude the post for today, I just will continue to take it day by day, focus on the basics and let’s see how this journey unfolds!
Learning to let go of perfection – home Reno? HAH- I will leave that for my video that I have filmed and still need to edit *it’s coming, okay?!* I have let that go and I have *GASP* been living with half-finished baseboards for weeks (a big deal if you know me) as well as digested that my kitchen is not moving forward this year (still waiting for my money back fingers crossed I don’t have to go to small claims). Speaking of perfection…(or a feeling of lackthereof) this blog post? I feel like it may have a journal entry feel- and it makes me second guess posting it. I really hope it brings you value and that you can take something away that will benefit your own life. But despite this, guess what? I am happy that I even did a blog post, and felt inspired to share with you! It is definitely a step in the right direction and that is good enough for me!
Thank you for reading this! I am grateful to have you with me on my journey xox
Please leave me a comment below, it brings me joy!