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How to Stick to Your Goals & A December 2020 Life Update

Writer's picture: Andrea KellyAndrea Kelly


Well, another year has literally flew by - how is it nearly Christmas/2021?!

Yes, I'm wearing pants ;p

So just to recap the year, I have somewhat stuck to my goals for the year and adjusted into my role as a new-ish mother.

We have finished "Fearless" and it has been sent to print- marketing push will start in the new year so I will likely be on instagram more to talk about it. Just to recap, my chapter talks about how I moved forward from an eating disorder. Speaking of instagram, I GASP FINALLY started adding in images and upping my insta-game so you can expect more than works from posts in the blog these days.

As much as this year marched on strong with a "doomsday style" appearance, much of this year for me was actually a solid win in many aspects- life continues on.

But Not Everything Was Just Sunshine and Rainbows

But a heads up, I have also had challenges this year. Particularly I have been feeling tried mentally and also physically I don't feel my best. I intuitive eat, which means that I do not diet- however, I do think that I need to consider focusing more on fresh and healthier foods as it has been all hail to the charcuterie as of recently and I am starting to understand that even life's bests have their limits.

I can't complain too much despite it all, however I most definitely want to (after being a mom of course) make fitness and technology organization priority for 2021. But now that I have made up my mind about what I want to work on for next year, why wait until 2021? Why not get started TODAY- NOW?!

Sound like a plan that you might want to make for yourself too?

Reaching for the stars this holiday season

Goal Get 'Em for it for 2021

With 2020 nearly finished and 2021 around the corner, I like to get and feel ORGANIZED and also evaluate my year, to see how I can improve and also set goals for the next year… 

And what is the use of setting goals if you can’t stick to them right?

Listen, If I can conquer the demons that I did while I struggled with a full blown eating disorder I can achieve anything but I also know that sometimes the process towards achievement will have its ups and downs and not a straight beeline towards success, SO I am hoping that this post and vlog will help you to set and stick to realistic goals for the coming year.

So How Can You Set Yourself Up For 2021 Success?

  • Understand where you are at right now (check out my free life evaluation book)

  • Get clear on what you want for your life (vision board or book, pinterest, etc. check out how to live a life you love)

  • KNOW YOUR WHY – why are you setting these goals and how are you going to feel once you achieve this goal?

  • Set some broad goals for yourself with results list and then funnel down and create specific, measurable and achievable goals based on the results you want.

  • VISUALIZATION & getting yourself mentally prepared - check out my YouTube link that takes you on a guided visualization session.

  • Make a signed Commitment Agreement – to yourself/to another person/or have a coach such as myself keep you accountable. 

  • Celebrate the wins!

  • Keep going/ review from time to time to ensure things are still in alighnment CHECK INS


  1. IF YOU FALL OF THE WAGON, GET BACK ON- don’t sit and wallow but just move forward. Try to pinpoint if there was a trigger (i.e. wine night or a certain person or place) and remove that trigger or prepare for next time (i.e. bring a snack if you tend to eat crap in the afternoon at work).  Also read my post: Why Do I Feel Like a Failure?

  2. Try to find reasons to enjoy the journey instead of focusing too much on the desination. 

  3. Don’t get too ambitious- 10 mins a day consistantly towards what you want is better than none at all. Staying consistent and also being gentle with yourself if something is coming up, resistance/fear… I work with clients on this and their could be subconsious blocks keeping you from reaching your goals. 

I have coaching spots available for 2021 to amplify your ability to achieve so get in touch here to book a free discovery session.


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