I love to be honest.
It seems like just because I am a coach I need to act like I have everything figured out all the time.
Says who?
The reality is as I continue to ‘make my way up the mountain’ I will come up against days that will be almost as challenging as they used to be; minus the binge and purge**standing applause**.
So things are much better than they used to be and guess what I still have ‘off-days’ they just come much more infrequently than they did before.
Actually before…
It was every day.
Now I would say I give myself about 6 days per year- I am way too busy for anything else….
Being Gentle With Ourselves
Do I really need to be counting the days that I need some me time?
I had an amazing coaching session the other day- (many coaches get coaching themselves btw)…
She mentioned to me that I needed to work on being my own mother.
Showing up for myself and making space to meet my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs.
I have been feeling exhaustion lately- between being a mom, entrepreneur, spiritual student, partner, decorator, podcaster…
Listen, I love it all. But I have been slacking a bit on my commitment to myself. When I am not aligned my tendency is to ‘feel exhausted’. I can then create a narrative that dances around the simple word exhausted- it is a fabulous excuse to say that I am too tired.
” I can’t- I’m tired”
” Tomorrow- I’m tired”
” I feel depleted, I’m tired”
I need to mother myself when that happens- lean into the exhaustion and ask myself: What Do I Need?
What do I need in that moment? What can be done in the Now?
To support my energy, I will also do a meditation/guided hypnotherapy and can say affirmations:
I am resting and repairing
I am blessing away all that distracts me while I call in only all that supports me.
I am committed to being vibrant.
I am health.
I am accepting the abundance and energy that flows to me.
The Days When You Feel Tired
There will be days when you feel tired, and that is okay.
Remember to mother yourself- show yourself kindness and love.
Do what you need- follow your intuition.
Relax in bed with a tea or hot coca and listen to meditations, hypnotherapies, and whatever else interests you.
Cozy under the covers and be okay with it- enjoy it. Enjoy the sensations of the fabrics next to your skin.
Have gratitude for all that was, is and will be.
Sink into the safety
the calm
I am home.