It’s Almost 2019!!!
And another year has passed! Crazy.
As each new year approaches, I reflect on the past year- and this year I must say that I have overcome some amazing obstacles that I couldn’t have ever imagined (more on that later) and also discovered the areas that I would like to focus on for 2019 improvement.
This blog in 2018 had minimal action – I just wasn’t feeling as inspired to write.
It recently occurred to me that perhaps I just was no longer inspired to stay within the same realm of content that I had been writing about while I was in a different season of life- and that I shouldn’t feel like I need to limit myself to a “particular theme or style” and rather just…Blog.
The End of an Era
I can see how I am no longer the same person that started this blog only less than 2 years ago.
I feel like I need a complete refresh of just everything right now – in a good way.
I will be (and have already started) the post-Christmas purge. I organize all my receipts for the upcoming tax year, I go through clothes, all other items… everything. It makes me feel AMAZING and ready to start the year with all my ducks in a row.
This year is particularly a bit different because as I have changed, I have noticed an increasing awareness that other areas of my life must be changed too…
I have put the Hypnotherapy & Coaching on hold for now. I want to focus on not worrying about doing anything other than what my heart sings for me to do for the next 6 months. I felt so much “need to do” that I think I have found myself a bit further away from the path of flow and present than I would like.
So, I am intentionally just creating a bit of space…and my heart is singing for me to refresh, update- to work on beautification and renewal for all areas of my life.
New Space and Environment
So first things first, I am working on a home reno project! (I am doing a video on my reno so check back for the link in the new year). I originally set an intention (A reminder to myself to do a 2019 intention setting blog) to move somewhere and rent out my current home, but there are few factors that have just made me feel intuitvely that I need to stay put- just for now.
And I won’t beat around the bush – it’s time to amp things up and nix the beige (6 years ago when I first moved in I had different feelings). I’m a true Libra with a love for design and a hard time accepting that perhaps I do not always need to have everything kept like a show home… nah, I keep that neurotic trait about me no problem. I don’t mind that one.
What is to be expected from this blog now?
Moving forward, you can expect more of a lifestyle blog feel. I will probably always have at least one foot dipped in real estate, I will always be passionate about self-development – so I may look into trying to find the best way to merge the two…
I also want to document my journey as a “pretty much healed” from a severe eating disorder that I have struggled with for 20 years.
The blog is currently experiencing a renewal, just like me and many other areas of my life.
Any comments, questions, suggestions are all welcome. I look forward to the transition and I thank you all for your support at this time 🙂