It is always good to learn and share personal insights on how to learn to love yourself. These 6 points have worked rather well for me…
These 6 points have worked rather well for me…
Get Comfortable with Yourself and Get to Know Yourself
As I was learning to love myself I got to know myself better by spending quality time with myself doing things that I enjoyed, as well as learning things that peaked my interest. As I became comfortable with spending a lot of time with myself, I learned to create an attachment, to myself, in a very loving kind of way. Find out what you like and what brings you joy and then do more of it. Spending time with yourself doing what makes you happy.
Be Kind to Yourself
And in a very loving and gentle way I was able to calm down the negative self talk inside of my head, and replace that chatter with positive and encouraging words such as “you have been doing such a great job….” and as it related to my writing “it is good enough- raw authenticity is perfection”. Be a bit easier on yourself- we are all our own worst critic. Also, we only live this lifetime for so long so ease up a bit.
Support Yourself and Be Supported
I make the choice to only surround myself by supportive, caring and encouraging people (and my dog). This has helped me and continues to help me, forge steadily ahead. It allows me to follow my quirky yet brilliant creativity in whatever way, shape or form without any judgment and thus it allows my own judgments that surface to lay back down with ease. Make a choice to only surround yourself with people who make you feel good, inspired… enough. Let go of any relationships that may not be serving you well- taking or draining you. Love yourself enough to know that you deserve and have a choice to only allow quality relationships in your life.
Be Appreciative
Focus on all of the positives- it can be easy to get stuck into the trap of self criticism. Focus on what you do have, starting with your health- if you have it you are fortunate. Focus on something you like about yourself, and take a moment to reflect and appreciate all that you have, everything that you have accomplished so far and all the places you have been-think figuratively.
Proper Maintenance
Treat your body well by eating nutritious quality food, drinking plenty of fresh quality water and doing enjoyable physical activity. Get outside and play or go for a brisk walk. Connect with nature and make your body and your health priority. If you “fall off the wagon” don’t worry- remember kindness. Just start again and know that it is perfectly normal and okay to have lazy days or cheat days from time to time.
Put Yourself First – Learn to say No
Learn to say no- this is huge. Say no to obligations. You cannot expect to be all things to all people. Learn to say no without being apologetic or feeling guilty for honoring your own space and time that you might need or want. If somebody wants you to do something that you don’t feel like doing, no is an option. Once you start saying it more often it will become more comfortable. It doesn’t mean you are a bad person.
There are other ways to learn how to love yourself, and I hope that my above recommendations based on my own experiences bring you closer to where you want to be with this topic.
A major theme here is understanding your own worth and the ability to know this worth based on nobody else’s standards but your own. Let me know what you think of this post, I would love to hear your comments, opinions, questions, and insights!