You can tell that things have settled now- the calm after the storm.
I am *somewhat* back in action with posting.
I say somewhat because the idea of vlogging is quite appealing to me right now… I just need to wait for my camera.
I digress-
Life Goals.
We all have them. Well I would hope so.
Sometimes we have too many of them or do not have an organized plan to achieve them in a strategic way.
And I have most recently realized and recognized that the majority of you reading this may be struggling to stay afloat just trying to handle your daily life,
let alone additional life goals and dreams that you hope to aspire to… at some point.
And that is just it.
A goal is only an idea – you need to put it into action if you want to do anything with it!
With the that past month flying by unproportionate to the desired output I was intending to put into myself (wellness goals, mindfulness, creativity, etc).
At the very least, my kale chip game stayed strong.
I seriously eat an entire back of Solar Raw every day. #notsponsoredbutishouldbe
It seemed like that was the only routine I have been able to keep the same these past few *several* weeks.
But I have goals these far surpass my ability to get in my daily dehydrated greens.
I have goals to grow my passion based business into something magic and wonderful-something FUCKING AMAZING AND TOTALLY ME.
Without clear direction, goals cannot take shape and I am left in question as to… WHAT THE FUCK AM I EVEN DOING?
Lets brake it down a bit more here…
My current goal is to transition into solely a web-based platform (minus speaking engagements, in person clients, etc.)
But I am really wanting to create and expand my business online to reach many more people in various parts of the world.
This realization started earlier this year- as I took time away from Real Estate to embrace my “inner calling” and pursue what I like to call “my passion based business” that gives me that intrinsic feeling of bringing love and light into the world just by being my authentic self.
I went off on a creative binge- on a tangent! Filled with possibility & excitement!
I started Inner Mind Hypnotherapy, the Journey to Joy Project, and this blog, Your Best Being.
Loving all three of these “linked” projects, there was something still amiss….
Organization and clear direction and vision was needed.
And I knew this.
And so I waited. I asked and I was patient for direction.
Last night I could not fall asleep. At midnight I got an urge to write to organize the thoughts within my head…
Within the midst of the madness, clear direction has finally been found…..
This is what I am up to and how you can be apart of it (ALL FREE):
Inner Mind Hypnotherapy – I will take specific clients only (in person/online) *due to time constraints I cannot work with everyone, sorry!
Major Focus:
Journey to Joy Project – Join the Facebook Community Page Here – Access to my free program will be given and this page will be a community hub supporting this program.
Join this page if you want to be apart of a community that motivates and inspires each other throughout a journey that uses the powers of our subconscious mind. We will also support each other with other elements that are important to quality living such as healthy food and fitness. Click here to get an idea of what the program has to offer you.
Your Best Being Blog – Join the Facebook Page here for updated posts based around my own life & my own journey, self development and wellness. I will be adding vlogs here via YouTube. Don’t forget to subscribe to this blog to unlock secret posts. You can do this by shifting your gaze to the right side of this screen to the sidebar where there is a subscribe form.
So how does this post apply to you?
Think about your goals and dreams. Is there anything you have started but has been left hanging? If so, why? Are you, like I was myself, lacking the proper clarity to take it further?
And then if this is so.. then what are you going to do about it?
I asked and trusted that I would receive the answers- then it was received and transcribed though writing. I am not sure if this way will work for everyone.
What works for you when you need to get clear?
Writing works well for me- for others talking it out or participating in a seminar can be beneficial.
Oh- BTW- my next step is actually to give away my Online Hypnotherapy Program for FREE as apart of a beta program! Simply comment below if you would like more details 🙂
Also, I would love to know how this post resonated with you so comment below with your share!!