When it comes to true mastery of life; if anybody says that “they have it all figured out” – watch out.
We, as humans, are expansive beings- constantly evolving, learning new and more fascinating discoveries of who we are and the world around us.
Unless we are dead (or living-dead), growth is constant.
So, as a personal coach and hypnotherapist, I am very open with who I work with letting them know that I am still on my own journey too- still understanding layers and levels of myself and this greater consciousness within the world.
Like petals of a flower that opens up in its own time, we too have our own rhythm of unfoldment.
I look back and can clearly see the development of my own self-growth. I had embarked on this journey long before I actually realized I had.
By trusting in myself, and by getting in touch with my own inner wisdom and intuition, I was able to recognize that I needed more than just a “great career, and nice stuff” to make me happy.
I needed to explore exactly who I was and what really made me happy.
I needed to feel like I was making a greater contribution to this world and really utilize this lifetime by giving back to this world rather than just by… taking.
I needed to step into a powerful and positive space of creativity and authenticity- being able to express my truth through using my voice and also sharing my struggles and gifts of pain with others, in hopes that they too could becoming inspired, aware, and stronger with their own sense of self.
I am still figuring it out- but I have made such headway in the last year. I appreciate the guidance, support, and all the gifts that surround me each day.
Understand that the unfoldment cannot always be rushed and that there is beauty within the unfoldment itself.
This continues to teach me patience, acceptance and living in the moment.
I invite you to watch the video below and leave me a comment on what (if anything) the video brought up for you- in your own life.
For those of you interested in personal coaching to help connect you with your own joy and truth, you can contact me personally by emailing yourbestbeing@outlook.com
As always,
Love & Light
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I originally did this video for my Facebook Page.