I had a really nice little conversation today with a woman.
I appreciate this conversation immensely, as it allowed us to connect and also sparked the inspiration for this post.
I am quite open about being interested in the metaphysical and spiritual elements of our universe. At this point in my life I could care less if anyone has an opinion about it being “voodoo” or “BS” as I do think that this type of closed minded thinking is quite archaic.
Much like we cannot quantify the internet or electricity, we cannot quantify the metaphysical realm. We can, however, utilize and harness its energy which has an increasing impact effect on ourselves, our communities and world.
In short- just because you cannot understand it or “see” it, does not mean that it does not exist.
I know enough to know that there is plenty I do not yet know. About the world, and about myself.
I know my likes, my dislikes- I know who I am and I am comfortable with who I am.
After many years of self-torture, finally, I love myself!
But I want to find an even deeper purpose… I feel like there is something more to come…
I feel like the flame inside I have discovered, and it is asking me to explore it further to ignite the fire.
Perhaps with you, it is the same.
I think that people are becoming increasingly aware of what is inside of them- the power within you, within me- within all of us.
It was interesting however, that due to the generational gap between myself and this women, there did seem to exist much more apprehension on her end to be open with he own spiritual journey that she is currently on until she knew just how far beyond the solid line I go.
It was not until I created a safe space for her to recognize that she would not be judged to think that she could be capable of much more, that she felt comfortable to step into her own personal power and acceptance of a different paradigm- a new belief system.
I feel fortunate growing up in a time where having interest in the metaphysical is becoming more and more widely accepted and appreciated- and I truly feel that we are entering into a higher consciousness on a universal level.
We are starting to become tired of the boxed in shit that we “told to become” as if we are not there already.
Forced to focus on external comforts that will reassure us that we have reached “where it is we should be” within a certain time frame.
Yet, time is not linear.
This concept is only what we have been told. And so we listened.
But at this point I no longer listen to “them”. I am only wanting to listen to myself.
I think all of us at our core, deep down, recognize and understand that we, perhaps, might be destined for something much greater than to get put inside a box and forced to carry out a lifetime of expediencies which often times, lead to to let downs.
Deep within all of us there is something at the core- much deeper.
Perhaps it cannot even be explained.
I have been working in the past few years to break down the armor- the layers, surrounding this core. I have started to embrace new ideas and ways of being-alternative to what I thought “must be” many years ago.
It is not happening immediately, but at a gentle and guided rhythm. One that I feel is directly in tempo with mother nature.
An unfoldment if you will.
As I seek to discover and uncover my own personal power and meaning of this lifetime, I am going to start vlogging and documenting it in a way that will naturally take shape… the cam has been ordered… we just wait now..
I am excited!
For anyone reading this, you have the power of personal choice. To do what you want when you want to. What will you do with this power?
For many, the inner calling goes ignored for many years. Quite like myself, it might be laying dormant ready to be unleased. Once pandora’s box is opened, you can only shift forward by following your inner voice.
Right now, I ask myself…
What is the next best move?
I hope that you will enjoy following me on my *spiritual* journey… let’s see where it will go!
Hopefully, it will inspire you to go on your own journey, to discover and uncover your best self and also tap into the great power that lies within you.
Comment below if this resonates with you.
Love & Light