I would like to address the age old question, “what is the meaning and purpose of life”.
I will tell you right away that I do not hold that answer.
Nobody really does.
The meaning and purpose of life will be different for each person.
We all have our different paradigms that shape us into who and how we are- and what we label as meaningful and important.
For me, it is not as important to understand the meaning and purpose of life but rather the amount of meaning and purpose that I bring into my life each day.
It is a choice that I have decided to make, for myself, to give my life meaning and purpose.
You know what I mean?
For example, for ME, it is meaningful to have developed a spiritual practicice… similar to a ritualistic routine each morning that helps me to feel closer to spirit and closer to the wisdom that is already within me- within all of us.
It brings me meaning and purpose to write this blog, to create, to be helpful and bring value into the lives of others…
It brings me meaning and purpose to explore, to love, and to sink into the depths of all the adventures that life has to offer-no matter how big or small.
Everything I do, I try to do it with purpose and meaning.
Even to just BE- I try to do it purposefully- and with appreciation.
I have a quote framed by my computer- and it reads
“Living in the Moment Could be the meaning of Life”.
I like that quote.
I mean, does it really even matter what the meaning and purpose of life is?
Maybe just existing and following what brings us joy (in the moment) is all that it is about…..
Just something to ponder….
For me in this moment, the meaning and purpose of life to me is to try out new things, relish in new experiences, try to be the best version of myself for that is what truly brings me joy because of the feeling it gives me knowing that I am being true to who I am and appreciating life enough to give a shit to be the best version of myself- if you get what I mean.
What is the meaning of your life?
What does life mean to you?
How do you bring purpose into it?
Can you bring purpose into the mundane?
I would love to hear your insights!
Love & Light
xo Andrea